Astronomie - Experiments conducted by ISRO using high altitude balloons have detected three different types of extra terrestrial bacteria


‘Extra terrestrial life possible’

Experiments conducted by ISRO using high altitude balloons have detected three different types of extra terrestrial bacteria, highlighting the possibility of life beyond the earth, noted astrophysicist Jayant V.Narlikar said here on Monday.

Delivering a lecture on ‘Searches for life outside the earth’ as part of the Space Physics Laboratory Day, he said the three types of bacteria detected through these experiments were so far not identified on earth. One of these bacteria, Bacillus isronensis, was named after ISRO.

Prof.Narlikar said extra terrestrial life could exist because the basic building blocks of life might be present in some of the celestial bodies in other galaxies. “With modern technological advancement, we will be able to provide conclusive evidence for the presence of life outside the confines of the earth in the near future”, he said.

VSSC Director S.Somanath presided over the session. SPL Director Radhika Ramachandran and researchers and students from various institutions were present.

Quelle: The Hindu

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